As the backbone of your clinical systems, your organisation’s integration engine is critical to the flow of real-time patient information between different departments and external care settings. Support prevents any disruption to this flow of data from causing delays to the provision of care.
Download the brochure to find out why ReStart is your partner for flexible and custom support plans that are 50% more cost effective than a 24/7 in-house team.
We keep your live environment, production environment, as well as your test and development environments, secure and running efficiently.
Our dedicated team of integration professionals have experience across Ensemble, HealthShare, Rhapsody, Mirth, JavaCAPS, BizTalk and more.
How can you get started and achieve the goal of providing accurate data?
What steps do you need to consider to achieve secure collaboration?
How do you work with stakeholder organisations and how do you work with your suppliers?
Rapid access to data transforms the way services can be imagined and delivered.